Clash Of Clans -Th 11 New Update To Hit Market In November


Supercell started this week with small halloween surprise and many more might be on the way . This is just the indication of something new and bigger behind supercell walls. Just after their mega gaming event clashcon ended their were few guesses for  whats next, what will be the new update what it will b including .

This update might be a bit late as yearly updates we use to get in october because this time  we will get the update  in mid of november .We are not sure for the release date as if now one thing we are sure of is that for the next 2 weeks we will be getting  alot of teasers and exciting news from supercell.


So here are the following aspects which we think are  included in next big update


-With the below mentioned  image it is confirmed that the TH 11 will be coming with the new update which was much needed as most of users are were fully upgraded and with this TH coming  company will reveal tons of new features for this update. so cheers to fans who were waiting for this update
One thing  for sure is that your  expense for searching the next opponent is increased from 1000 gold with TH 10 to 1250 gold with TH11 .



Yeah you heard that right chief . Soon there will a new hero in the game, so you guys will be having a total 3 heroes to handle for a attack, isn’t that intresting ? This new hero will be in company with queen and king. This new hero looks like something a master wizard  having some special powers to attack some specifc targets . The cost shows that this hero will work on exiler not  on dark exiler like other heroes that’s a relief for users searching for dark exiler in game and will also be upgraded on exiler itself.


New defence building as shown in picture below seems like to be a kind of mystery for the users untill or unless supercell updates further on the news. Defensive building might work as a mixture of inferno and mortar as we can see , from the view it shows as if builidng has been given 2 wings and a beak looking like an eagle .

It shows the way its gonna attack like opening the mouth and  sending a ray up in the sky , attacking in a splash damage to the enemy in its range. Might be it will work as a constant ray like increasing damage as such of inferno towers or any other way of attacking we never know ,whats the name of building ,what are the targets of this building ,this will b intresting to watch out for !!



 This might be an update which till now has not been shown by supercell in any of their updates . Introducing new dark troop is much expecting update by users all over world. With last introduction of lava hound as a air troop this time it must be a ground troop which will  hit the coc markets.

As in picture, the new troop will come under hogs and might resemble to any of their characterstics, as lavahound under minions resembles to each other being air troops so we can hope it to be a ground troop and shall hit the market by this update.

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